With each and every passing year. People tend to gravitate online for instant answers and gratification. We seek out knowledge or advice about:
- Hot topics.
- Gaming.
- Celebrity personalities types.
- Entertainment.
- Social media.
- Shopping.
Just to name a few motivating reasons why we even feel the need to search the internet in the first place.
So, where do we ALL eventually end up going to uncover the plethora of information…
Welcome to the new age of living my friend. Internet run websites are what make all of these awesome things possible. Of course, there are many intricate factors which contribute to make a website fully functional and ready for worldwide use.
Figuring out how to do all of this during your spare time can become a mentally exhausting predicament! So ask yourself this.
Have you been interested in educating yourself with the fundamental building blocks necessary to make your upcoming website a huge success down the road? These blocks (processes) can be:
- Creating and owning.
- Operating and maintaining.
- Developing and scaling.
- Attracting visitors.
- Content beautification.
- Competing and monetising.
But ultimately, you want to understand how you go about turning your website foundation into a long-term, thriving and sustainable asset for many years to come!
Has this triggered your attention? Luckily, you have finally found the right place you’ve been searching for after all this time.
Let me try to break it down for you. What are your reasons for building a website today? It’s quite normal to not have a clue, or let alone a general direction to focus on!
Maybe you possibly desire to create your first website-styled theme as a:
- Non-for-profit organisation.
- Personal blog.
- Corporate business.
- e-Commerce site.
- Affiliate marketing website.
We are only scraping the surface here! Obviously, you must be aware that next to nothing in life comes free of charge. Running a website can cost more than it should, especially when utilising big and recognisable branded companies.
Recurring costs will vary per business. Note that some of these larger companies can fail to deliver you the best results. But wait a sec, don’t rush away just yet because there is light at the end of the tunnel.
Fortunately enough, you’ve found Scam VS Legit today. We make the process of scaling out your first website/brand simplistic in nature. But best of all, and this is hard to believe, it’s FREE of CHARGE…
How to Create a WordPress Website and Blog
Using high-tech power from the SiteRubix platform. It makes creating a WordPress website as easy as 3-simple steps.
Select your website domain name. A domain name is what will appear in the URL address bar when you or your visitor is active on your website. Right now above you will see: https://scamvslegit.com. This is one of my domain names.
Yours can be whatever you so desire. But, don’t spend hours trying to figure out the perfect name as it can rack your brain into exhaustion.
Adding a title to your website is very simple. It will likely have the same alphanumeric characters as your registered URL: domain name address. By keeping this matching with your URL selected does make your website theme:
- Presentable.
- Neat and tidy.
- Provide brand awareness.
- Ultimately, make sense to your audience.
If you are not happy with your title heading. You can change it whenever you prefer to do so. Just go and access, then customise your theme heading title within your WordPress Content Management System (CMS), back-office area.
Get a FREE theme for you website! over 3000 to choose from. Select from a vast array of template types that will cover a wide range of website styles and directions i.e. Business, anime, e-commerce, charity, news feeder and much more.
|NOTE| To prove you are not a robot. You will have to enter your full name, email address, create a password and choose an appropriate username. Very standardised procedure that protects you and SiteRubix.
=> Create your own FREE Website Today <=