Is the Mikkelsen Twins – Publishing Life a Scam or Legit

AIA was once called the Audiobook Income Academy but now Publishing Life claims to be the successor to AIA, presumably to demonstrate that this online course covers more than just audiobooks.

Publishing Life encompasses all forms of published reading material.

Whether they are printed, hardcover, paperback books, or audiobooks.

All of the techniques taught here are applicable to this material.

Publishing Life is fundamentally an online course that teaches people how to start their own businesses and generate passive income.

Publishing Life instructs students on how to utilise the Amazon marketplace to publish their own books.


Mikkelsen Twins

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# Publishing Life Review
# What is Publishing Life
# Christian and Rasmus Mikkelsen
# Who is it for
# Publishing Life Course/Cost
# Is Publishing Life a Scam
# Pro’s VS Con’s
# Comments

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Publishing Life Review

*Parent Company: LLC
Publishing Life Review*Brand: Publishing Life
*Alternate Known Names: Audiobook Income Academy, Mikkelsen Twins
*Domain Name:
*Domain Age: 17th/SEPT/2014
*Domain Authority: 27/100
*Linking Root Domains: 583
*Ranking Keywords: 14
*Spam Score: 6%
*Address/Headquarters: 55 Twin Brooks TRL, Chester, New Jersey, 7930 United States
*Founders: Christian and Rasmus Mikkelsen
*Contact Methods:

  • email:

*Resources/Services Offered:

  • Free/paid training

  • Testimonials

  • Careers

  • Scripts and templates

  • Exclusive Facebook group and mentoring

*Cost/Price Tag: Audiobook Income Academy = $1,997
*Training: 78.49%
*Support: 59.38%
*Website: 61.47%
*Technology: 73.11%
*Success Stories: 60.95%
*Verdict: Very niche training focusing on publishing quality content both physically and digitally on the Amazon marketplace

What is the Mikkelsen Twins Publishing Life all About

Christian and Rasmus Mikkelsen are the identical twins responsible for The Publishing Life.

They sell a course titled Audiobook Money Academy that instructs students on how to generate passive income from audiobooks.

There are three payments of seven hundred and ninety-seven dollars, totalling one thousand nine hundred and ninety-seven dollars.

Currently, it is evident that the Mikkelsen twins earn the majority of their money through course sales.

Do they continue to profit from their practices?

Are they just a scam preying on innocent victims?

Read on for an evaluation.

Who Are Christian and Rasmus Mikkelsen

Publishing Life is a brand developed by Christian and Rasmus Mikkelsen, who achieved their ideal lifestyle through publishing on Amazon.

Their adventure into digital marketing began in 2016.

After some years of being beach bums after high school and smoking a bit too much of the devil’s lettuce, they ran out of money and were forced to move back in with their parents in New Jersey.

They later realised that they needed to change their lives, so they enrolled in a community college.

Rasmus and Christian were both quite timid throughout their school careers.

They largely remained ignored.

Who are the Mikkelsen Twins
Co-Founders: Rasmus & Christian Mikkelsen

Never spoke during class and hated being called on by the instructor.

Nobody would have predicted that they would one day earn a living by exposing themselves to millions of strangers online.

After graduating from high school, it appeared like they were headed for failure.

They relocated to Denmark for two years.

Smoked marijuana and jumped from job to job.

Then, in 2015, they reached an all-time low.

They ultimately moved back to New Jersey to reside with their parents.

What plans did they have for their lives?

What contributions could they make to society?

They perceived themselves as a source of shame.

The Mikkelsen twins had a heart-to-heart conversation.

They required a transformation immediately.

They chose to enrol in a community college in the area.

They took it seriously, received perfect grades, and gained much-needed confidence.

Several times every week, they delivered Chinese food to make extra money.

Christian and Rasmus would listen to audiobooks and self-help podcasts while driving.

Eventually, they researched internet moneymaking opportunities.

That’s the end.

To hell with high school.

They were soon to become wealthy as online entrepreneurs.

Christian began self-publishing while Rasmus tried his hand at drop-shipping.

A year later, Christian outperformed Rasmus; therefore, Rasmus joined him in the publishing industry.

In the early days of Kindle publication, they were involved.

They would ghostwrite eBooks and sell them on Amazon.

Later, they worked out how to get these books narrated into audio format (also known as audiobooks) that they could sell on Audible.

It succeeded.

In January of 2017, Christian got his first $1,000 month.

By December 2017, he was earning $10,000 per month.

They published books on CrossFit, the ketogenic diet, barbecue recipes, and getting straighter as in college, Python programming, and other random topics.

The following logical step was to become digital nomads.

They moved to Thailand and lived like kings on roughly $1,500 per month.

From there, they wandered about. Italy, Bali, Australia, Croatia, Spain, Hawaii, Mexico, Japan, and Egypt.

All because of the publishing industry.

Rasmus stated, “That was the craziest experience of our entire lives: travelling, making money, and doing whatever they wanted.”

But a dumb error almost ended it all.

Christian became covetous.

One of his novels was translated into multiple languages, and he began to earn more money.

However, he received too many bad-quality strikes (the translations were sub par), and he was barred from publishing.

It was do-or-die.

Alternately, they may tuck their tails and move back in with their parents.

They started uploading YouTube videos about their self-publishing experiences.

AIA was created.

Currently, they earn millions selling this.

We estimate that each of the Mikkelsen twins has a net worth of approx $3 million.

Who Are The Mikkelsen Twins Publishing Life for

This is a business technique for generating passive money online that teaches individuals how to become Amazon publishers.

This course has generated considerable debate.

It is a means of passive income for anyone interested in pursuing it as a side business.

Anyone may utilise the Mikkelsen brothers’ publishing career.

It can create a constant monthly revenue stream (ranging from a few thousand dollars to well over ten thousand


Publishing Life Course/Cost

The Mikkelsen twins have increased the price of AIA from $997 to $1,997, which can be paid in three $797 instalments.

If you make payments over the course of three consecutive months, your investment will increase to $2,391.

AIA 2.0 encourages you to request PayPal credit if you are unable to pay for your membership right away.

The Publishing Life curriculum includes a variety of instructional materials designed to teach you all you need to know about Amazon Kindle publishing.

Typical components of an online training course can be expected here, including multiple training videos with a duration of several weeks, access to a private Facebook group, scripts and templates, as well as group mentoring.

When it was still known as the AIA, this course consisted of around 16 modules plus one bonus module.

However, as of the most recent update, they have substantially shortened their curriculum to only seven units.

This is equivalent to a total of seven weeks of training.

Here is an overview of what you may anticipate from the Publishing Life program.








Is Publishing Life a Scam

Essentially, they are marketing this as a “get-rich-quick” business strategy.

They even claim that this is a brand-new and really simple technique to make a fortune online.

This is so simple that even a 15-year-old can do it.

In addition, there is no business address or contact information provided on their website.

Which is very ironic given that one of their lectures wants you to produce this.

Due to Amazon’s saturating market share, all of these statements are demonstrably incorrect.

Is Publishing Life a ScamNo business strategy can make you wealthy in a short period of time.

Any company concept requires significant effort and commitment to succeed.

The developers are also accused of removing any unfavourable comments posted about their course on social media.

So, does this make them a scam?

I continue to believe they are not.

I consider their business strategy to be entirely legitimate.

However, I would not recommend it to just anybody.

Especially for newcomers, as there will be a substantial financial investment in outsourcing your firm.

Aside from that, some individuals may wonder why they changed the name of the course from Audiobook Income Academy to Publishing Life.

They assert that the name change is due to the new and enhanced nature of the product.

But, other people may have other opinions due to their previous negative reputation.

Final Word


  • Can assist with keyword research and determining what to write!
  • Individualised coaching.
  • Exclusive Facebook group.
  • Forty-plus hours of stuff.
  • Exposure to the principles of email list creation.
  • Instruction on the marketing of your material (might be the hardest part).
  • Education regarding the ACX audiobook editor. Then, you’ll find out about narration and Audible reviews.


  • It is pricey, costing $1,995 dollars.
  • Probably able to locate the information online with some effort.
  • It is NOT simple to write and advertise eBooks and Audiobooks.

Mikkelsen Twins Publishing Life

Selling on Amazon takes much time and effort.

Daily, you must complete certain responsibilities.

All of these activities cannot be completed by a single individual; hence it is strongly encouraged that sellers assemble a team.

Even when you are not generating any revenue, you must continue to pay for advertising and outsourcing.

This business is not suitable for those without sufficient funds.

It would not be viable as a side gig.

It would be difficult to concentrate on this if you are employed full-time.



Publishing Life: $1,997
  • 78.5%
    Training - 78.49%
  • 59.4%
    Support - 59.38%
  • 61.5%
    Website - 61.47%
  • 73.1%
    Technology - 73.11%
  • 61%
    Success Stories - 60.95%


The Mikkelsen Twins are widely renown within the e-book publishing scene and there Publishing Life business showcases just that. Audiobooks have become very popular amongst avid learners which is great for some as not everyone enjoys reading long books etc.

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