Is Entre Institute a Scam or Legit

Entre Institute: $29.00/month, $175.00/year with expensive $3,000.00 up-sell
  • 79.8%
    Training - 79.83%
  • 59%
    Support - 59.02%
  • 65.3%
    Website - 65.3%
  • 32.6%
    Software Tech - 32.59%
  • 50%
    Success Stories - 50.01%

Brief Summary:

Jeff Lerner created Entre Institute to demonstrate how he went from $400,000 in debt. To starting an internet based business which allowed Jeff to repay it in 18 months. There are numerous products avaliable. By getting involved with them you will become apart of the ENTRENation movement. Entre Institute isn’t the cheapest route to go down though.

WE’D SUGGEST AN ALTERNATIVE ~ Uncover a Complete Online Business Package For a Mere Pittance

To clarify the ‘ENTRE’ part of Entre Institute.

The name is surely derived from the word ‘ENTREPRENEUR’.

Rather, clever use of branding.

So you could even call it Entrepreneur Institute.

The Entre are an unofficial online institute that offers: products; events and 1-on-1 coaching along with support and a few other odds and ends.

The Entrenation is a growing community that has changed the lives of many aspiring and well-off entrepreneurs.

Entre Institute could take a fully-fledged guru to the next level within their business.

And a lot of it comes down to mindset.

So never overlook the importance of one’s mind when it comes to entrepreneurship.

So today, we will decipher whether Entre Institute is a worthwhile practice to become a capable entrepreneur.

Does Entre Institute contain the business essentials necessary to eventually turn your back on your 9 to 5 headache?

Can they help develop your very own unimaginable 8-figure business.

Only time will tell, so without further ado.

Let’s jump right into things here brudda.

Table of Contents

Jeff Lerner Review

Jump to…

# Entre Institute Review
# Who is Jeff Lerner
# Entre Institute Products
# Is Entre Institute a Scam
# Pro’s VS Con’s
# Comments

Internet Marketing Education, Tools, Networking & Support!Do you Hunger for the Truth About How People are Really Becoming Successful Online...

Entre Institute Review

*Brand: Entre Institute
Entre Institute Review*Alternate Names:

  • Entreinstitute
  • Entrenation
  • Entre

*Domain Names:


*Domain Age: 9th/FEB/2018
*Hosting Registrar:, LLC
*Company Launched: 2017
*Domain Authority: 15/100
*Linking Root Domains: 109
*Ranking Keywords: 12
*Spam Score: 1%
*Website Asset Value: $41,681 (Largely traffic based)
*Address/Headquarters: 491 N Bluff Street, Suite 204 ST George Utah, 84770 United States
*Founder: Jeff Lerner
*D.O.B: 01st/MAR/1979
*Contact Methods:

  • email: internal messaging setup
  • email:
  • email:
  • phone: (844) 552-8801

*Social Media Presence:

  • Facebook – @jefflernerofficial | 25,721+ likes, 26,795 follows
  • Instagram – jefflernerofficial | 3,655+ followers
  • YouTube – Jeff Lerner – Entre Nation | 3.96K+ subscribers
  • LinkedIn – Jeff Lerner – 500+ connections

*Services Offered:

  • Hard copy and soft copy educational materials

  • 1-on-1 coaching

  • Mindset training

  • Membership access

  • Community of like-minded entrepreneurs

  • Podcast

  • Events

*Community Size:

  • Entrenation – 100,000+ members
  • Facebook community – 2,998+ members

*Payment/Payout Currency: United States Dollar (USD)
*Membership Price: Entre Nation Elite Membership = $29.00/month or $175.00/year
*Compensation Plan: No up/down lines. ENTRE are proud to say they are not an MLM company
*Affiliate Program: Yes, Promote their Entre Blueprint product free of charge
*Up-sells: The word around town is that there a couple of upsells that must be purchased in order to progress to the next ENTRE level
*Training: 79.83%
*Support: 59.02%
*Website: 65.30%
*Software Tech: 32.59%
*Success Stories: 50.01%
*Verdict: Legitimate company concealing a few up-sells

Who is Jeff Lerner

Jeff Lerner created Entre Institute to empower a network of people to reach physical, personal and professional excellence, through entrepreneurial education.

Jeff Lerner is known for being a motivational speaker talking about entrepreneurial related matters.

Not only is Mr. Lerner an author.

He is a successful investor, educator,

Is Jeff Lerner a Scam
Founder: Jeff Lerner

husband to his wife, a father of 4 children and enjoys playing the piano and is quite the pianist I heard.

In fact, if it wasn’t for Jeff’s passion for piano he may have not got to where he is today as an entrepreneur.

Find Jeff Lerner spending a lot of his time in Houston Texas.

During his earlier days, Jeff invested in a restaurant franchise that failed and got him into $400,000 worth of debt due to the economic collapse at that time.

Jeff Lerner got involved with digital marketing and managed to pay this expensive debt over 1.5 years.

Impressive feat!

Entre Institute is not his first online business venture created and we are sure there will be at least one more company launched before his retirement.

With his abundance of wealth he could surely live his remaining days in style.

Entre Institute Products

Entre Nation Elite

Costs = $29.00/month or $175.00/year

Description: This is the place you go to become a paying ENTRE member. This is supposedly the place to go if you desire building an elite-level business. All elite members will get full access to the ENTRE Nation Elite Facebook community where you can rub shoulders with other Entre elite members.


Jeff Lerner Entre Institute

Entre Blueprint

Costs = $39.00

Description: Entre Blueprint is a step-by-step video training course showcasing 6-steps that literally is the exact blueprint of how Jeff Lerner developed an online business and became a multi-millionaire by closing sales.


Entre Blueprint

Millionaire Productivity Secrets

Costs = $97.00

Affiliate Millionaire Accelerator

Costs = $1,997.00

Agency Millionaire Accelerator

Costs = $1,997.00

Digital Course Millionaire Accelerator

Costs = $1,997.00

Entre Results Coaching

Costs = $15,000.00/year

Entre Inner Circle

Costs = $29,997.00/year

Is Entre Institute a Scam

Entre Institute are straightforward and to the point when it comes to purchasing their product and services.

Almost everything in their inventory is non-refundable.

Rumour has it that if you don’t continue purchasing ENTRE product and services there can be a little sense of abandonment felt from Jeff’s team.

Be sure with what you want to purchase because refunds are usually not granted.

Which by the way, doesn’t make EntreInstitute a scam.

Jeff Lerner must be that confident in his product and services to not issue many refunds.

Otherwise there will probably be plenty of hatred and angry comments left in the thoughts section at the bottom of this review.

This might seem a little contradictory, because I did read that there are items which carry a 30-day money back policy.

These products listed apparently have refundable criteria:

  • ENTRE Blueprint.
  • Awesome Life Challenge.
  • ENTRE Nation Elite.

Is Entre Institute a Scam

Even though these products come with their own 30-day warranty period.

It does not guarantee you will receive a refund.

If I were to compare what type of entrepreneur Jeff Lerner is with another well-known individual.

I’d have to say Tai Lopez! In the way Jeff Lerner’s product and services lists are set up on his website reminds me of Tai’s company.

Only difference, is that Jeff Lerner’s Entre Institute website is the more polished platform in my opinion.

There is the chance that you may feel scammed purchasing all the products offered at Entre Institute.

Because not everything will make sense, or suite your personality, or goals for your type of business.

If you’re planning to get involved with Entrenation.

Just stick to the monthly membership subscription and only continue with purchases that make sense for the natural progression of your business.

Final Word


  • Jeff Lerner has been a successful entrepreneur for over 2 decades now, so he would be a valid mentor.
  • ENTRE is very open and honest about it’s products and services offered.
  • Entre Nation Elite monthly membership is great value.
  • Has a free eBook called: The ‘Hacker’s Guide to an Awesome Life’ and the ‘New Money Playbook’.
  • There are T-shirts available at Entre store.
  • Jeff Lerner may serenade your pants off with his piano playing ability some day.


  • There is minimal chance of claiming a refund through this mob.
  • Coaching and Inner Circle prices are set through the roof. Only wealthy applicants should apply.
  • Many products are for sale and costs can stack up pretty fast.
  • Entre events seem not to be running right now, possibly because of COVID-19.

Is Jeff Lerner a Scam

Because there are many products and services for sale at Entre Institute.

It can be quite daunting to take the plunge.

But. I bend the knee to Jeff for being so upfront about all the programs available.

Jeff has laid each product out in such a way that you can view the majority of his product inventory with ease.

Jeff Lerner has nothing to hide.

He must be confident and proud of his work.

Just pointing this out because I just wrote an article about Affiliate Institute prior to this one.

But, over at Affiliate Institute they wait until you pay for an expensive monthly membership.

Once you’ve done this, you find there are upsells for extra product levels that you were not made aware of prior to joining.

Expensive upsells!

At the end of the day, there is money needed to be spent to become a fully fledged ENTRE Elite member.

Not everyone has the financial resources to buy all of Jeff’s recommended offers at Entre Institute.


If Your Financial Situation Is Anything Like Mine Was When Searching For A Way To Make An Honest Buck Online. Then I’m Sure YOU Would Prefer a Complete & Packaged Service That Educates YOU How To Succeed Online For Free. If YOU Are Still Struggling Financially & Want To Learn the Ropes of Online Business Through Affiliate Marketing. Then, It’s Worth Your While To Check This Opportunity Presented Before You.


Entre Institute


I want to elaborate in more detail about what I am recommending to YOU and show you a quality article regarding this unique online business opportunity. It will prove to be a satisfactory read and show you what you’ll need to do in order to succeed in the competitive online world of entrepreneurship.


About Wealthy Affiliate


Have you ever bought product at the Entreinstitute program? What products have you used, or avoided? Can you enlighten us about your good and/or bad experiences with Jeff Lerner’s Entrenation community please. Don’t forget to like/share on social media if you think you’re entrepreneurial at heart.

Jeff Lerner humbling his Entre audience…



50 thoughts on “Is Entre Institute a Scam or Legit”

  1. Thank you for the best unbiased review I have read so far. Other reviews I have read, they lose credibility when you add a link to join Jeff’s program in the review. Also, thank you for posting these comments. Jeff has got me for the “Blueprint” and “Nation Elite”. Thanks to honest feedback I have read here, and now I know what I am in for. I have my first “advisor” call in a few hours (I might have a little fun with that). I am beyond happy I found your article and the excellent comments first. Thank you all!

  2. The blueprint and entre institute spend most of the hours of videos where it takes Lerner an hour to say something that he could say in five minutes. All this for $4039. The videos and zoom “coaching” calls are just a funnel to promote the next dubious, upsell coaching program for tens of thousands of dollars without any real specificity of the actual deliverables. Also, they promote a lending service for those who need the $30k to $60k to buy their one-year program without any transparency about how they get paid from the lending service, which they promote because they charge 0% interest without any prospect of generating positive and profitable cash flow to pay for the “investment.” One is shamed into thinking that doing a business alone is stupid and if one wants to be a “Lone Ranger” then Entre will drop you like a bad habit. Very slick people that just do not seem like they really care about those from whom they are trying to extract thousands of dollars for the dream and promise of becoming a success in business. All this without actual testimonials of people who have paid for the program and have succeeded in a year or so that is “promised” for success. Also, the entire course spends about 90% of the video time on midset and elementary discussions of business. One is enticed to buy the $4000 program then led through many one-way zoom calls, where there is no communication, but a recorded video monologue by a “success coach.” This is noteworthy because the “values” expressed by Lerner include “collaborative communication” which is the epitome of hypocrisy because one has no opportunity to ask penetrating questions or if so is dismissed. Yes, they include disclaimers at the beginning of each session to exculpate them from legal liability or inquiry by the FTC. While Lerner seems like a nice, passionate person, he is not a completely honest person. It is a scam and not worth the time or money. If they were honest they would sell the “course” or really a lot of cheerleading sessions for a fraction of the $4000 and make no promises or do any upselling after one has committed hours of time to watch the videos. Also, they will not return any money within 30 days, strongly suggesting that they are not honest people.

    • God bless you for telling the truth. It’s my opinion that they seem to trap people into starting websites that will come up when you search for information on whether or not it’s a scam. Those websites then “affiliate market” right back to them.
      They are as trash as the sky is blue.

  3. ENTRE Nation, yeah stay away from that. I’m a member and all Jeff does is talk talk talk and try to get you in to his daily BS of the 3P, I need to make money Jeff, I don’t need you to tell me what to do with my personal life.
    He will have you for at least 3 weeks watching videos of him crying about his broken hand and how he made $50M but you will get nothing out of it.
    First you will buy the $39 BluePrint E-Book, yeah that won’t get you anywhere, trust me. All BS.

    Then you will get in few Zoom calls from some of the people working for them trying to get you on their system, yeah you won’t be in charge of their time for the calls, you will take what they have in term of times, they will ask you questions like how much you want to make a month, a year and so on.
    I went for the Affiliate Program: So if you are like me and want to get into the same program then be ready to spend at least $1500 to $2000 or you won’t get anything from them, then when you pay then you will have access to some videos, it will take a lot of time to watch them all. Oh yeah some of the videos are okay, but many of them will leave you hanging for sure, why hanging? Well the guy Jeff explains to you how to do a thing for what you just paid is not going to be very clear, meaning that many times you will hear him saying in this video I’m going to teach you how to to do this and that but a few minutes later he will be telling you I’m not going to go to deep in explaining this because the video will be very long, so guess what? Yeah you will be f***ing lost because he won’t explain to you in deep about how to actually do things.

    Oh and wait, I forgot about the stupid BootCamp, about 3 weeks along where you will have someone telling you what you need to do with your personal life but all that is to warm you up for the big news of you needing to invest $15K or even $50K-$60K for them to actually work with you the “proper” way. Remember that you need to still keep watching Jeff’s BS videos and the affiliate videos while doing the bootcamp.
    But hey don’t worry if you don’t have that kind of cash on you, they will help you out again by connecting you with a company that will help you with getting the money to start, yeah you will be obligated to run your credit to see if you get approved for a loan, YES I’m so happy that you will be adding another DEBT to your life if you get approved, we are not talking $3k debt, we are talking $10K,$15K,$20K and the numbers will go up depending on what you ended doing with them.

    If you don’t get approved then that will be the last time you will hear from them, yeah they will forget about you, you are not good for them anymore, no calls, no emails, no nothing. You are on your own from that point forward and using incomplete videos that instead of teaching you, they will make you go crazy.

    So, if you are planning on jumping with them then be ready to sell your house first.

    One last thing: When the time to pay them comes they will tell you this a few times “If someone comes with a $1M dollars to your door and say bring me $20K by tomorrow and the $1M dollars are yours, would you find the $20K in a day to make a million dollars?” What they are trying to tell is, find the money in 24-36 hours so you can get into this program. So the big difference between the person in your door with one million dollars in cash and Jeff program is that with the person with one million dollars in cash in your front door you can actually go to some of your friends and collect the $20K because for sure in few minutes you will have one million, with Jeff you will go to your friends and collect $20K but you won’t be getting one million dollars for sure and for sure not right away, so your friends will be hunting you all over for their money.

    Thank you and I hope this has helped many of you to not go jumping off into Jeff Lerner’s BS debt wagon.

    And no, they are not one call or a text away, no money no call or text back from them to help you if you are having problems understanding some of the videos.

    • Wow, this is a real eye opener and sounds like you’ve had real poor user experience. I hope visitors read your comment as it sounds about truthful. Can’t believe Jeff Lerner and his team will have you going to his recommended loan provider in attempt to get a huge loan and simply brush you off if you cannot be accepted. Incomplete videos can be found in abundance via YouTube. Perhaps there are better routes to go down versus Jeff Lerner’s Entre Institute/Entre Nation/Entre Blueprint way.

    • WOW Ivan
      Thanks for the insight. I have gone through the 6 steps and the 2/hour video of listening to him repeat what was in the first six and the last 30 min of selling the products. All the talking, talking, talking just too much. Just get on with it.

    • Thanks for the review! It was an eye opener, I am desperate to become rich and they targeting these people so they can ruin their life by taking their own hard earned money. Well, I hope this Jeff and other people like him will rot in hell because nobody lives forever. ???

    • Thank you for sharing your experience with this “training program”. I was going to try it myself but thanks to you taking the time to share your experience, I’ve been saved from not only the financial loss but you’ve saved me from the added stress that builds up when suddenly everything you didn’t know about the guy suddenly becomes available & then there’s the frustration I might have gotten when I had to fight to get my money back (& oh yes… I ALWAYS get my money back, regardless of what they’ve got in writing because if anything, I have learned from these types of advertisements that: *The key words to any type of of business dealing are “in writing”. As long as you’ve got it “in writing” you’d think you’re safe (as this type of company does but). It’s a matter of how those words are used “in writing” and it only takes one type-O to get my money back (+ I’ve a few other also very legitimate steps that one can take but due to the work involved rarely do for my money, I’ll do the work).
      That being said, again I’m sorry you took a hit & I’ll remember should anyone ask for my opinion (they’ll be referred to your’s) so again thank you for posting a truth, it’s a rare thing these days so I appreciate it more than you know!
      You ever want to start a website that posts truth about scams that seem legit but in reality are not. Feel free to send me an email marked important! Until that time should arise…
      TTFN ✌? ??????

    • Thanks for the confirmation. I’m 3 lessons in & definitely thinking this was a mistake. I’m gonna assume I’m not getting any money back, huh? At least I’m only out a couple hundred instead of thousands. It sucks when scammers have such a good mouthpiece & a little charm. What a dirtbag.

    • He made his millions by scamming innocent people out of their hard earned money by selling them a fake story. Guaranteed he came from money and is now “stealing” other people’s money.

  4. Hi everyone, thanks for the genuine reviews because I was about to make a mistake lol. Thanks for the alert because no one wants to lose money in these covid times. So is there anyone here willing to share some legit online businesses?

    • Believe it or not. This website ( recommends some pretty decent start-ups. Of course, the number one recommendation tab is the top venture to join, it will involve the affiliate marketing business model and offers a very cheap membership option for serious applicants.

    • Lovely name.
      Explore the opportunities available online. You can pretty much make money doing something you like. Blogging, You Tube Channel. Writing. Check out Fivverr if you are an artist and people hire you. I just started an online apparel store. You will have to be patient and slowly build an audience, following, traffic to your store but it can be done. I had an aviation professor tell me that he could literally get an entire college education in his field and many others on You Tube and pointed out a Harvard seminar that was online that he attended. You can sell crap from China on Amazon and make thousands a month but it will take alot of time and effort to get a store going on Amazon. People make money on RedBubble, they do some marketing for you but you still have to drive traffic. Get out there! Explore! Find something you have an interest in and Good Luck! Online is the future and freedom from wage slavery!

    • And I have a meeting with the counselor today. My mind told me to come home and check them further. Glad I did. I not sure this is the path for me.

  5. Thank you all for your observations. Please allow me to add my “two cents” to this discussion, if you will.

    Everyone has a certain amount of extra value that can be attributed to their services beyond the basic monetary remuneration. Be it the extra little touch your barista adds to your morning hot beverage to let you know they are thinking of you, the taxi driver that rushes around their vehicle to open the door for you and load your packages into the trunk without being asked to, or the trades person that takes the extra care to fix that cut corner they found because it is the right thing to do for the customer’s job. These extras are often not added to the cost of those services, but they all add value, are appreciated and are what keep customers returning. This is called great customer service.

    I believe it was Napoleon Hill that said, I am paraphrasing here, “provide more service than you have been contracted for.” I believe this is what Jeff Lerner has set out to do, even though some folks might not see it. He too, has spent much time, effort and money providing FREE valuable tools with his many Youtube videos, podcasts with many successful people, and more, in my opinion.

    And here is something further to this point. When I went through the ENTRE Blueprint lessons I had a no pressure discussion with my “advisor” at the end about continuing the training. Even though I was still financially not able to continue after being presented with a 3 payment option for the Single Accelerator Special Holiday offer of $1,497.00, my advisor was sure to mention that there are STILL SOME FREE OFFERINGS to discover and encouraged me to explore them. These being the ENTRE Facebook group and the Awesome Life Challenge. The latter contains ANOTHER 20 FREE LESSONS to help a person on their Affiliate Marketing journey. The personal development coaching of these alone is of great value, once again in my opinion. Did I mention these are all FREE? I signed up for the ENTRE Blueprint in October 2020 but am not an affiliate, an ENTRE employee, nor related to any employee.

    I am sure some of you are familiar with personal development coach Tony Robbins. One of the most influential events that puts on, a date With destiny, will cost a person $10,000.00, maybe more by now. I don’t know the exact price. And people drop that $10k in a heartbeat because they know the tremendous value they are getting.

    Granted, Tony Robbins has been in his field for several decades and is well known as one of the most influential people in that space. Jeff Lerner and ENTRE Nation haven’t that same level of longevity, but the degree of training, the caliber of the people he associates with, and the benefit that his offerings provide are definitely something to reckon with.

    I ask you this:
    1) Would you be comfortable charging more for your services if you had spent 10+ years developing them?
    2) Would it not be fair to ask that price from your customers knowing the extra value you will provide them?
    3) Would you be willing to pay that extra price for the extra value if the tables were turned?

    I only wish to say that, when we make a decision to invest in ourselves and our future, we need to contemplate all aspects of our intended plan of action to achieve these goals and discern what degree of calculated risk we are willing to take with the information we have obtained. Is there more information needed? PAY ATTENTION TO THE DETAILS, REVISIT THE INFORMATION FOR CLARITY, AND DON’T BE SCARED TO DO THE WORK.

    Jeff Lerner and his ENTRE Nation are not a “get rich quick scheme”. Although affiliate marketing is easy once the system is running he makes sure that everyone knows IT REQUIRES SOME HARD WORK AND EFFORT TO BUILD THE MACHINE. Like anything else of value requires hard work and effort.

    Thank you for the opportunity to provide another observation to the discussion. Invest wisely my friends. See you at the finish line!

    • This review screams copy and paste affiliate here – in support of Jeff Lerner and his program.

      It’s in the writing – if you can’t see it, you can’t see it.

      • Well Bo, this is a review article, for better or worse, isn’t it?

        To give some clarity, I do not have an online business, am not affiliated with anyone/business/program etc., have no digital agency, or whatever. I do, however, own a traditional contracting business in the trades, have been in business for over 10 years, and am looking to broaden my revenue stream.

        What I DO support is anyone willing to put in the hard work and time required to achieve a goal – be it personal, financial, professional, or what have you. If a company has earned a reputation of providing next-level quality and service it is reasonable for them to charge accordingly for those services.

        Like everyone else on the planet I am affected by the current economic environment and, again like everyone else, have no desire to waste money on nonsense. I could spend $20 on lottery tickets every week in hopes that my 1 in 80,000,000 chance of winning will pay out but I would rather invest my money in education to learn new skills that can be used repeatedly to build other sources of revenue. I believe this is what we are all striving for, is it not?

        There are quite a few businesses offering affiliate marketing, digital agency, or online education courses/training. Jeff Lerner is the only one out there that offers education for all 3 of these markets at the same time in the same package/offering. This is reflected in his pricing. Granted the default option we are given is for all three courses because all 3 are covered in the ENTRE Blueprint, but they can be purchased separately from each other and are priced accordingly. The ENTRE advisor is there to help steer you toward the training best suited to YOUR goals based on the information YOU provide them. I see the value in ENTRE’s program which is why I elaborate on it as much as I do.

        At the end of the day we all have to decide what price we are willing to pay for our future. If that price is a bit out of reach at the moment but is worth the results maybe there are options available. Even if a person can’t take advantage of a particular offer/situation at the time, don’t let the setback kill your fire. A resourceful person will always find a way even if it is not their original course of action and their fire is hot enough. Build your raging inferno everyone and keep your head in the game!

  6. I am unemployed Covid-19 casualty going on six months. Typically before Covid, I never had issues getting a job. So when I found Jeff Lerner’s Entre BluePrint, I thought great for $39 it was a good deal for steps 1-6 and A BUSINESS PLAN. My disappointment came when the up selling started at about half way through the business planning. I don’t know about you but $4000 is a nice chunk of change in my book. Giving that kind of investment without a guarantee (disclaimers) or refund for expedient monetary results had me taking a hard long look at this program. I think Jeff and his team are sincere and would love for you to be one of their positive testimonials of success. But, at the end of day from what I understood from the advisor, your success is completely on you and you alone.

  7. Paid the $39 and STOPPED as soon as I googled it.
    Is this click-bait, or will I get ANYTHING for the $39?

    Unfortunately, NOT asking for a friend. 🙁

  8. My husband fell for this crap until I showed him all these comments. Now he wants his money back. He just signed up yesterday. I’m calling my bank. No one will rip me off. Not Ever!

    • I purchased today and realized that it was a scam after the watching the first video. I spent $186. $39. 147×2. I was going to contact my bank and block the charges. But they gave me a quick refund! I almost got scammed. Beware.?Oil salesman are still very much alive!

  9. I was in Entre Institute for over a year and a half. I had the personal website, the big membership, and blogged every day or two putting well over 1000-1200 worded blogs out there. I tried utilising Clickbank, Amazon, and many others. Many do not let you do any marketing with them until you have at least 10k in emails to market through. I wasted hours in my day to do it, and time ignoring my family to invest in what I would be told would be a new future. Everyone said, “just keep going your almost there”. “Anytime now, and it will be all worth it!” I think out of over 200 blogs, only “1” made it to the 3rd page on Google search and everything else sat 6 pages or more deep. I did all the video training and everything you could possibly do. Even with the training and great community it provides, it ended up being a waste of a year and half for me and roughly $600+. All I found knowing how people that do online can make money. You are joining a market that has been saturating itself since inception. It is so cutthroat and dog-eat-dog with people doing exactly what you are doing. Out of every 50 people of my 300+ group I was following, only 1 would actually be making money. And not even enough yet to sustain themselves. Everyone else was like me chasing the dream. I have come to the conclusion that Affiliate Marketing is just too saturated and full of top dogs to stand a chance and be successful. You would be better off buying lottery tickets with your money if you ask me! I wouldn’t do ANY affiliate program. But, if you wanted to test me. Entre Nation is an expensive way to learn what I learned and walk away still having my house, car, and marriage intact!

    • Hey Bruce! Did you pay the whole $4K or just the $2K for Affiliate program accelerator? I have heard that the 1-on-1 coaching cost way more. Did you do that as well? Thanks for your time!

    • Wow, so sorry to hear that Bruce. But I thank you sincerely for telling the truth to save the rest of us in dire straights.
      Years ago there was a show called My Diet Is Better Than Yours where several weight loss gurus were pitted against one another, each with one compatible client. At the end of several weeks you could see who was the clear winner and why.
      Wouldn’t it be great if these “millionaires” who want nothing more than to “help” you were confident, successful, and honest enough to take a challenge like that! I’d apply in a heartbeat.
      Or at least host a video series where you can see a handful of people, from week to week, following their course and really making it.
      However, no one will ever come forward to do that.
      Why? Because basically they are preying on the people who are desperate for help, and in these desperate times, we are so, so ripe for the picking.

  10. The video I am watching right now, leads you to believe that there are no additional charges, yet there are a lot of extras thrown in. How much more does this course cost? Thousands? There’s a lot of talking about free this and free that. Has anyone here pursued this and benefited from Entre Institute’s classes/videos, etc? Is the $39 just an initiation fee? ~ Thanks.

    • After you follow the course you will be asked to talk to a trainer, that technically is readying his pitch to most of their other training up-sells, starting at $4000 for all the training’s. If you don’t have that money you will be able to buy one for $1997. Like Bruce said, it looks that of a very hard and expensive way to start your business in affiliate marketing. Not sure though if even after two years with no profit, can tell if their system actually works. They are more interested in selling you the course, than your success. I was looking for few years now to start a business online and I invest money in all kind of programs, but in the end you are the one that lose money and probably get more experience on how to lose money and others get rich. I bought one of the accelerate affiliate program and I start to lose my confidence in this business after going to half of the course. They teach pretty much how to set up your account with all kind of website how to automatise the system, but you will start spending money without making no money for who know how long one, two or three years they don’t guarantee nothing. They even tell you from start that they cannot give no guarantees that you will ever make money. I now paid the course and I want to get through it, but from being so exited at start now I’m very sceptic about this business. It sound very attractive in how they present these courses and the future is in online real estate and that is most like a regular business that will take up to three years till your actually bearing any profits.

      • Hi Chip. Thanks for the helpful feedback. I’ve actually worked with flipping houses for years and I’m a real estate agent in CT. What area are you in? I’m working on doing virtual side of things as well now and would love to text/talk with you to see if we can help each other. Please feel free to email me at premierplusconsulting (at)

  11. I purchased and completed the 6 part training program called The ENTRE Blueprint. You are also assigned an ENTRE Advisor. It is an excellent program that teaches you a lot of life/business principles and it also moves you realize that in order to succeed in any venture in life, you must have the right mindset (Tony Robbins teaches a lot on this.) The goal of the program is for you to ask yourself, “Do I really want to be an entrepreneur? Do I have what it takes to be a successful entrepreneur?” If you feel that you have what it takes, then you move on to the final module of the program called The Business Plan. Here you are asked if you want to further your training and you’re introduced to other ENTRE training programs Affiliate Millionaire Accelerator, Agency Millionaire Accelerator, and Course Millionaire Accelerator.
    Jeff Lerner is a very knowledgeable guy and does an excellent job in delivering the content in The Blueprint. I was very motivated to purchase the next 3 programs though for that kind of money I needed assurance that I was making the right decision. When I expressed that to my advisor I was directed to about 20 mini videos of testimonials. The general content of almost all of the testimonies lead me to believe that these were individuals that had just completed The Blueprint program. I expressed to my advisor, “That is not what I am looking for. I would like to hear from students that are in or have completed the Accelerator programs. I was then directed to a couple of videos with Jeff clearly stating “So you want to know how fast can you make money. You want to know how much money can you potentially earn with this training. Well, I can’t answer that. What you need to do is ask better questions.”
    What?! Really?! In your advertisements and within your training you continually vomit that you were $400k in debt and within 18 months you were able to pay off that debt. I completely understand that results will always depend on how much time and effort you in invest. Heck, even employers for sales positions will always tell you, “If you put in these many hours and complete these many activities, you WILL make a minimum of X amount of dollars.” I am just amazed how someone can pitch a Business training that costs thousands of dollars yet can’t produce one single case study of a student that has had any form of success. Just strikes me very odd, and for that reason, I could not take the plunge to purchase. Honestly, I was very disappointed.

    • Thank you Rene, for a very well written and organized review. I just got through the Business Plan step and am now in the “48-hr period,” during which I’m to both (1) schedule the call/review with my advisor and (2) simultaneously decide whether to accept the $4K offer to buy all three biz models/trainings, and move forward (which then “unlocks” more special training, via my advisor). I dont believe JL to be a scam artist, and, in fact, I believe he is a savvy entrepreneur, good person, and an intelligent guy, but for these kinds of dollars, without better and more specific evidence and examples and explanation of such specifics (especially, for us “newbies” to such things)… The what’s and the how’s, especially, during COVID-19 and my own financial hurting… I just can’t justify dumping part of the precious cash I’ve got left to my name right now. Going through the steps of the Blueprint, I had healthy expectations and truly don’t expect millionaire status, but, Perhaps, if my situation were better than it is at present, and I could gamble a bit more with “testing it out,” I might definitely go for it. To that end, I’m a bit disheartened. Thanks again.

  12. With a recession from Covid-19 and unemployment backed up for months, I just paid $47 only to require another $97 after signing up. Got past that part only to listen to 6 videos that could be fast forwarded to get to the business plan video of a 170 minute presentation that can’t be fast forwarded, while listening how to get leads, only to the end asking for just over $3,000 to move forward. There were no leads or this monthly fee offered.

    • Corona has been detrimental for many employees worldwide. Thank you for taking the time to tell others how Entre Institute’s up-sell process is like. I wasn’t aware of the additional costs, so I made a few changes.

      • I guess you can say I’m one of the latest fresh off the lot, having attended the very first Zoom “group Orientation call” with “Grant M.” Just this morning. The meeting was, of course, one of those cozzy warm virgin feeling, to say the least, where all the “right” words and promises were stated by the “coach” Grant. Figured $39 is not too bad of a lottery hail-Mary – Lol! And after reading all you fine folks’ heart-breaking testimonials, I’m saddened to realize (and now accept) that it was just that – a hail-mary to see if it’ll stick, but failed miserably. I’m so glad I quickly started googling them, before I too became another casualty of such predators! I thank you all from the bottom of my heart from saving me, my real-hard-earned money, and family. God bless!


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